DPR is a friendly and sociable club with numerous social events throughout the year, ranging from informal drinks in the pub after our monthly ‘Dash’, to weekend trips, to our more formal annual dinner. Some of these are longstanding traditions of the club and others are newer events in response to member requests or enthusiasm! All ideas and suggestions are really welcome, and members often organise their own events in addition to those listed below.
Regular Events
Post Club Night Drinks
Meet in the pub the first and third Tuesdays of each month. Usually The Plough in Lordship Lane 0r the Crown and Greyhound in Dulwich Village. We also do post run pizzas two or three times a year combined with medal awards.
Annual Dinner
Our Annual Dinner is the night of the year where we get rid of the lycra, dress up and have a fantastic evening. As well as a brilliant meal we also hand out various awards and medals.
Summer BBQ and fun relays
An annual event, usually in June, our summer family BBQ is a really fun event, involving a series of fun relays (think primary school rather than the summer Olympics!) followed by a superb BBQ with drinks. Family and friends are very welcome to attend.
Rounders in Dulwich Park. memories of school days!
Quiz Night
Our annual quiz night, usually in November/December, is a great opportunity to get together with teammates for the chance of glory or shame! Either are fine when complemented by fish / chips and beer!
London Marathon Drinks & Post Marathon Party
Members meet in a pub after the marathon to celebrate the amazing achievements of those members in completing the marathon.
On the Tuesday club night after the London marathon we celebrate the achievements of those who completed Spring marathons. Massages for those who put themselves through the agony of 26 miles and food and drink for everyone!
Special Events
Each year a number of special events take place providing additional social opportunities for members. These are sometimes one-offs; sometimes repeated. Recent examples include:
Sussex Half Marathon
It was hilly. It was wet. It was windy. It was cold. But nearly 20 DPR members braved the elements and had a great weekend away in Chichester, completing either a half marathon or a 10 mile course.
Peak District Trail Running Weekend
A choice between approximately 8 miles and 16 miles, two wonderful routes over the Derbyshire moors. This has been a highlight of the club’s calendar, involving an overnight stay. Great fun.
Derbyshire half marathon weekend
Introduced in 2022! Entertaining stay at a wnderful old youth hostel followed by lovely run in the Derbyshire hills
Knole Park Picnic
Beautiful setting in a stately home park, surrounded by deer, a beautiful club-designed trail run followed by a picnic.
More picnics
One of the club’s major attractions. Whether it’s a feast for 200 runners after the DPR hosted summer league event, or a well-earned spread after the Paddock Wood half marathon or refreshments after the beginners’ course, our club is famous for the quality of its cakes! Picnics are a frequent feature of the club’s social calendar.